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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

1 March 01, 2024


1. Aigul S. Aubakirova
“Repertoire Index” is the Only Source on Theatrical Censorship in the USSR

European Researcher. Series A. 2024. 15(1): 4-9.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2024.1.4CrossRef

The repertoire index is a list of permitted and prohibited stage works, which is the official publication of the Main Repertory Committee and was supposed to act as guiding material in every theater and publishing house. The material in the “Repertoire List,” in our opinion, has great potential for study. In addition, the first volume of the index contains such sections as: “List of permitted and prohibited children’s repertoire, “Gypsy repertoire”, “List of operettas permitted and prohibited by the State Committee for production”, “List of vocal works prohibited for performance”, “List of vocal works permitted by the GRK and usually prohibited locally by the Gublites.” A complete analysis of the number and statistics of prohibited and permitted ones, much less divided by letters, has not been carried out. Thus, we see prospects for further research in a more detailed study of the Repertoire Index in three volumes, as well as its other issues, as well as in the study of the activities of the Glavrepertoire Committee as a whole.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1714680303.pdf
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2. Sribas Goswami, Tania Ghosh
The Causes, Consequences, and Challenges of Development-Induced Displacement with Special Reference to West Bengal, India

European Researcher. Series A. 2024. 15(1): 10-17.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2024.1.10CrossRef

Displacement is inherent in the policy of development which is guided by neoliberal economic reforms under globalization. It is basically accumulation by dispossession and forceful expulsion of rural people from their land. The commodification of land is fuelling the land acquisition and forceful expulsion from land favour a minority group while millions of people pay the price without reaping any benefits. Along with land grabbing, resettlement and rehabilitation policies are integrally related. In India, the rehabilitation and resettlement policies were not framed properly and Indian government had also amended the existing land acquisition act for diluting the rehabilitation and resettlement clause. This inadequate rehabilitation and resettlement measures increases vulnerabilities for the displaced persons and this necessitates the role of fair compensation for the displaced person. This paper highlights the role of comprehensive compensation (not only cash) and its implementation, failure of which can increase the tensions between government and citizens and reduce public confidence in the rule of acquisition. In this regard displacement and land acquisition in Singur and Haldia deserves a special role. The negative effects of this displacement can be mitigated by using sustainable development principles. In this paper an attempt has been made to relate land acquisition with rehabilitation policies and also to highlight on the sustainable development policies for overall development of the displaced person and the population for the host country. Apart from this, the paper focuses on formulating fair compensation principle and also provides case studies illustrating, the socio economic decline of the displaced person as relocated communities face the task of restoring livelihood less favourable in new area and on the other hand and increase in well being and wealth in post displacement context from the pre displacement level if the policy intervention is inclusive in nature. So displacement cannot be seen always as a necessary evil if it is guided by proper rehabilitation.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1714680355.pdf
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3. Yuliana Yu. Gruzdeva
Anti-Religious Propaganda in the Newspaper “Krasnoyarsky Rabochii” in 1931

European Researcher. Series A. 2024. 15(1): 18-21.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2024.1.18CrossRef

The policy of eradicating religion was adopted soon after the start of the October Revolution. In the early and mid-1920s the anti-religious policy was moderate, but at the end of the decade, persecution of the church quickly increased, especially after the Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of April 8, 1929 “On religious associations.” This article, based on content analysis, identifies the main directions of anti-religious propaganda in the newspaper “Krasnoyarsky Rabochii” for 1931. This work continues the research of K.K. Karagulyan, describing the anti-religious propaganda of the periodical “Krasnoyarsky Rabochii” for 1930. Often the data in the articles did not coincide with reality. Newspapers did not mention the resistance of believers, underestimated their numbers and “smoothed out” the sharp edges of anti-religious policy. The content of this periodical reflects the changing priorities and paths of the country's national leadership. As you can see, the activities of the Soviet government on the religious front largely coincided with other processes taking place in the country: collectivization, industrialization and recognition of the USSR in the international arena. In general, the image of the church presented in the newspaper “Krasnoyarsky Rabochii” is quite consistent with the general picture of the country during this period.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1714680387.pdf
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4. Irina D. Mikhaleva
National Electronic Library as an Information System

European Researcher. Series A. 2024. 15(1): 22-28.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2024.1.22CrossRef

The article examines the functionality of the National Electronic Library (NEL) from the point of view of the information system. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the National Electronic Library to determine its capabilities and prospects for development as an information system that provides the ability to store, search and obtain the necessary information. The article presents the definition and features of the information system, outlines the structure and content of the online library, its information resources, search and navigation functionality, as well as tools for working with electronic documents. NEB is a useful information system that provides efficient access to a vast collection of electronic documents. Its clear structure, comprehensive database and intuitive interface allow users to easily find and view the information they need. NEB's search, navigation, and document management capabilities make it a valuable resource for researchers, students, educators, and anyone seeking access to a diverse range of digital publications. Further development of the NEB as an information system can be focused on expanding its collections, improving search functionality, correcting errors (for example, improving sorting) and establishing cooperation with new participants, which will contribute not only to the addition of new editions to the NEB, but also to the creation of various projects.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1714680421.pdf
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URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1714680436.pdf
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