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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 2. (in 3 part) September 20, 2012

Historical sciences and archaeology

1. Elena G. Putilova
“Memory Sites Concept” or Relevance of Commemorative Vigilance of Today’s History (“France-memory” by P. Nora Case Study)
Number of views: 2120      Download in PDF

2. Tamar Tamarashvili
Batsara National Reserve: History and Ecotourism Prospects
Number of views: 1723      Download in PDF

3. Ubaldo Lugli
Roman Empire and Central Asia
Number of views: 2139      Download in PDF

Philological sciences

4. Shara Mazhitaeva, Bakhyt Ayazbayeva, Elvira Azharbekova
Some Issues of Intercultural Communication on the Example of Vocabulary, Characterizing a Person
Number of views: 1836      Download in PDF

5. Irina M. Nekipelova
Understanding of Concepts ‘One Language’ and ‘General Language’
Number of views: 1615      Download in PDF

Legal sciences

6. Alexander V. Malyshkin
Natural Phenomena in the Mechanism of Legal Regulation
Number of views: 1650      Download in PDF

Pedagogical sciences

7. Melis K. Asanaliev, Zeynep Sozcu, Omer Faruk Sozcu
Management Technology of Students’ Independent Work
Number of views: 1718      Download in PDF

8. Alexander S. Makhov
Factors, Motivating People with Hearing Disorders to Physical Exercises and Sports
Number of views: 1793      Download in PDF

Medical science

9. Larissa E. Muravluyova, Vilen B. Molotov-Luchanskiy, Dmitriy A. Kluyev, Rosa A. Bakenova, Ludmila A. Demidchik, Evgeniya A. Kolesnikova
Purine Bases in Blood Plasma of Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Diseases
Number of views: 1858      Download in PDF

Art History

10. Natalia M. Abramenko
Images of the Russian Saint Dukes Vladimir, Boris and Gleb in the Russian Art of the XVII Century (Monumental Painting Case Study)
Number of views: 1799      Download in PDF

11. Veronicka N. Belyaeva
Icon Painters of the Nizhniy Novgorod Volga Region of the XVII Century
Number of views: 1889      Download in PDF

12. Aygul M. Berdyeva
Ship Theme in Russian Art of the First Quarter of the XVIII Century
Number of views: 1590      Download in PDF

13. Zalina V. Tetermazova
Russian Portrait Engraving of the Second Half of the XVIII Century among European Schools. The Problem of Correlation with Painted Originals
Number of views: 1956      Download in PDF

14. Maria V. Voronova
The Art of Stage Design in Terms of Siberian Culture of the Second Half of the XX Century (Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk Case Study)
Number of views: 1766      Download in PDF

15. Denis G. Yanchenko
Art Policy of the State Duma of the Russian Empire
Number of views: 1725      Download in PDF


16. Tamara G. Makeeva
Conceptual Tenets of the Theory of Hydration of Heterogeneous Surface with Polar Order of Disperse Ground Layers of Sedimentary Genesis
Number of views: 1716      Download in PDF

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